
Twitter makes it easier to post tweetstorms with Threads

Advertisements Twitter has finally launched a new feature called “Threads” that will allows the users to post tweetstorms easily. It was a much-requested feature and the company has been testing its implementation for a while. “A few years ago we noticed people creatively stitching Tweets together to share more information or tell a longer story […]


Twitter testing new ‘Bookmarks’ and ‘talking about’ features

Advertisements Twitter has started testing two new features that will be released to the public in the coming weeks. One of these features is a version of the much-requested save for later option and the other aims to make tweet engagement easier to grasp for the non-Twitter users. Let’s talk about the upcoming ‘Bookmarks’ feature […]


Twitter’s 280-character tweets are now available to all

Advertisements Less than two months after launching a global test to expand the character limit in tweets, Twitter on Tuesday announced that it is now opening the 280-character limit tweets to users in all languages except Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. The cramming is not an issue in these three Asian languages and their users will […]


Twitter for Android updated to v4.1, bring new compose window & rich notifications

Advertisements Twitter has released a major update for its official Android today. Taking the app to version 4.1, this update brings a new tweet compose window, rich notifications and few other changes that improve the overall functioning of the application. Here is a look at what has changed in the compose window: The tweet compose […]